5 SaaS Scripts Account Executives Can Use today to 5X Pipeline!


But if you want a fail-proof system to get a constant stream of prospects then you should

grab this (you’ve got a special discount below):

A mini-course on how to get quality leads and convert them into highly qualified opportunities

No SDRs, inbound leads, or LinkedIn posts required.


Imagine never worrying about where to find your next opportunity…

You’re an amazing Account Executive (capable of closing large deals!) — but the stress of constantly having to find opportunities is starting to make you wonder if you’re in the right job…

And the constant anxiety of not knowing where your next opportunities will come from, means you don't have certainty on hitting your target, earning your commission and it can even put your promotion aspirations on hold...

If only you could have a consistent stream of opportunities to give you the pipeline you need…


So you can enjoy consistent commission of $5k+ per month (or more).


So you can work higher value opportunities and be confident that you’ve got a growing pipeline of qualified prospects. (Yep, you’ll earn more because you work better deals.)

And so you can finally buy that car, holiday or new piece of tech guilt-free.

If you’re nodding along to any of this, you’re in the perfect place, because I have a step-by-step outbound strategy that you’re going to USE TO GET PIPELINE FAST!


What type of opportunity would you prefer in your pipeline?

Prospect A

"I'll be your only point of contact and I have a budget of $5k..."



Prospect B

"This will transform our business, its a top priority, i'll work with you to get the key stakeholders on board"




Consistent prospecting finds the best opportunities...

It’s not a coincidence that the highest attaining Account Executives get leads — but still make time to generate their own opportunities too.Why? Because this allows them to work better qualified deals across the board.

They have simple prospecting processes that are personalised, relevant and most importantly repeatable everyday. They create the kind of leads who are a pleasure to work with…

So do yourself a favour and create a prospecting process that gives you highly qualified leads month after month...

"But consistent prospecting is too difficult, I don't have the time, tools or a list of prospects..."


I hear you. When I first started out, I also Account Executives who landed big opportunities month after month were random and lucky.

But the more opportunities I created, the more I realized that they were not random at all. I was getting them because of the consistent work I was doing.

I had (accidentally!) created a strategy. And this is what gave me a successful 14 year career in SaaS sales, without relying on SDRs or just inbound.

I've written about how preparation and consistency are key to success in "The Work Before the Work, The Hidden Elite Sales Professionals Use to Outperform the Competition."

And that’s what I’m here to share with you today. So you can get the same results with zero guesswork.


Finally! A fail-proof system to help Account Executives generate a constant stream of highly qualified opportunities.

(No SDRs, inbound leads, or LinkedIn posts required.)

In less than 2 hours you’ll have a prospecting system that generates quality opportunities so that…

  • You only have to spend 1-2 hours a day to generate the opportunities that will make you exceed your OTE & earn a-lot of extra commission.
  • You know exactly who you need to contact and what you need to say to generate opportunities (all email scripts included!)
  • You have a system in place to continuously improve the quality and results of your prospecting.
  • You turn more leads into highly qualified opportunities with my formula to nail objections and qualification calls.

A sneak peek inside the mini-course


Build Your Prospecting Foundations

Here I reveal the exact strategy to build a sustainable prospecting system that you can follow to create new opportunities every week. 

I’ll walk you through exactly how to identify the best prospects and how to craft messages that standout from the crowd and compel people to respond.

This module will help you decide who you need to send them to, how often, and how to turn this strategy into a regular habit that only takes an hour a day.


7 Short tutorial videos

4x Worksheets to help you implement the OPPORTUNITIES BY OUTBOUND system

Personalised Email Templates you can send immediately to start generating new opportunities straight away


Scale Your Prospecting

Warning: you might get more opportunities than you can handle after actioning this mini-course! In this module I’ll give you my tried-and-tested method to iterate your prospecting so you can find better qualified leads and cast mediocre opportunities aside.

  • You always know exactly how to build a prospecting team (you'll be surprised who can help you with this)
  • You’re get much faster at researching prospects (because your time is precious)
  • You know exactly how to split test and iterate your prospecting so you get better leads faster the longer you run the system!


  • A ready to use prospecting template
  • 4 short tutorials on how to scale your prospecting.
  • Recommendations for platforms you can use to get contacts, emails and mobile numbers (for free!)
  • An exact prospecting cadence for all leads — and I’ll tell you how often you need to chase them


Beat Objections & Book More Meetings

Getting all these leads doesn’t mean anything if you can’t convert them into opportunities! In this module, you’ll learn everything I know about how to nail the objections to book meetings with qualified opportunities.

I've been handling objections with prospects over the last 14+ years and have developed a simple formula so we get to the root cause of the objection and can determine if the prospect is worth us adding them to our pipeline as an active opportunity. Ready to dive in?


  • 3 tutorials on putting yourself in the prospects shoes with formulas on handling surface level objections. 
  • The exact script I use to create advanced messaging that gets higher levels of responses.
  • How to know if a prospect is worth your time and if they should be in your pipeline. 


Extra Bonus:

10 Part Qualification Call Script


This easy-to-follow script will tell you exactly what to ask to ensure you only have highly qualified deals in your pipeline.

See how much your forecasting improves and your average deal size grows over the next 90 days… but the best bit? This script is the gift that keep on giving so your revenue number can easily hit 100%, 125%, even 200%+ when used over an entire financial year.


Want more opportunities and pipeline?


* "unread email" The look of new opportunities landing in YOUR inbox after completing this mini-course!*

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve got a question that I haven’t answered yet

then this section is for you!


Do you want a fail-proof system to generate more opportunities and build the pipeline to exceed your quota?