Information for Podcast Interviewers
Everything Podcast Hosts Require to have Paul M. Caffrey as a Guest

Introduction (for Podcast)
Paul M. Caffrey is the lead author of “The Work Before the Work“, the critically acclaimed book explores the hidden habits that elite sales professionals use to outperform the competition. Paul’s work focuses on professional preparation to help salespeople prospect better, sell more and get promoted faster.
Paul is highly educated in the fields of science and business, and has spent the past fifteen years mastering his chosen craft—sales. He is an elite sales professional, trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands and has worked with some of the World’s most innovative tech companies.
Talking Points for our Podcast
Possible Talking Points for our Podcast
Have you ever wondered why some sales professionals consistently win year after year, while others have peaks and valleys—or simply fail to ever reach their true potential?
Sure, hard work, dedicated effort, product knowledge, and an attractive personality (and even knowing Exactly What to Say) can all help with success in sales. And almost anyone who’s reached elite sales performance status has all of these—but it’s not enough to explain how they do it.
Elite sales professionals are people of high integrity, operate with intense levels of curiosity and strategic optimism. While these characteristics contribute towards their exceptional sales ability, elite sales professionals have something more. It's ingrained in them, its second nature and most couldn’t explain it even if you asked them to!
What makes Elite Sales Professionals Elite?
Elite sales professionals have relentless discipline which fuels consistent habits that allows them to show up properly prepared for the moments that matter in their day. They know with complete certainty that their success is entirely dependent on the creation of successful outcomes for their customers and prospects, and they perform a series of non-negotiable habits that can all be encapsulated under a simple and profound heading: The Work Before the Work. The reason that I refer to these as non-negotiable habits is because these professionals never don’t do this work.
Help your Audience Discover the 6 hidden habits of elite sales performers
The Work Before the Work framework is six hidden habits that set sales superstars apart, and we will discuss how to unlock them in your audience. But be advised: You will find approximately zero “hacks,” and not a single “trick”.
Instead, we'll discuss meticulous thinking, questioning and preparation that the best of the best practice unconsciously, and how to ritualize your sales preparation so your audience can join their ranks. Think of the podcast as a roadmap that gives your audience a fair advantage in almost every selling situation—akin to the ability to start a soccer match with a three-goal advantage, a tennis match already one set up, or a marathon at the eight-mile marker.
What Sales Scenario will resonate with your audience?
Typical scenarios we can discuss in detail include, but is not limited to: Prospecting (Cold Outreach, Qualification Calls, Prospecting Campaigns), Sales (Meetings, Sales Cycles, Sales Attainment Planning) and Career Promotion (Networking, Interviews, Personal Promotion Campaigns).
How can your audience prepare for unexpected opportunities?
Chance encounters don’t give time to prepare e.g. randomly meeting a key prospect or someone who can open doors for your career. That’s o.k. because we share how to instantly prepare by asking yourself “What are THEY looking to achieve?” and “How are THEY going to achieve that?” followed by asking comparable questions of yourself. The payoff is more outcome-oriented value driven conversations.
Whether you’re audience want to improve how they find customers, want to sell more, or looking for their next promotion, our podcast will teach The Work Before the Work that's needed to reach the outcome.




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