How to Be a Connected Leader w/Michelle Tillis Lederman & Lou Diamond | Ep 13

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Episode Summary

In this conversation, Michelle Tillis Lederman and Lou Diamond discuss the importance of building relationships and networking. They share their journey of how they met and formed a partnership, emphasizing the mindset of abundance and collaboration rather than competition.

They provide practical tips on how to approach networking and connect with others, highlighting the importance of curiosity and genuine interest in building relationships.

The conversation also explores the benefits of coaching, including accountability, access to a broader network, and the ability to bring out the best in individuals. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the value of relationship building and the power of connections in personal and professional success. In this conversation, Lou Diamond and Michelle Tillis Lederman discuss the importance of relationship and connection in sales and leadership.

They emphasize the value of being coach-like and the skills that can be learned to become a better leader. They introduce the Connected Leader Club, an eight-week program that focuses on foundational skills such as coaching, relationship-building, and leadership branding.

They highlight the need for support in leadership development and the power of networking and cross-pollination. They also address common challenges, such as overcoming limiting beliefs and determining coachability in interviews. The conversation concludes with actionable steps to become a better connector.


  1. Shift your mindset from competition to collaboration and abundance.
  2. Build relationships continuously, not just when you need something.
  3. Approach networking with curiosity and genuine interest in others.
  4. Coaching can provide accountability, access to a broader network, and bring out the best in individuals.