4x Marginal Gains that Increase Sales by 21% | Ep 023

***Don't Miss This In-Person Event***

1 Day Elite Account Executive Accelerator

Dublin, Ireland on May 22nd, 2024

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"Four tiny incremental improvements that can bring you more than 20 to 40% in revenue."



Know your numbers: track the number of opportunities, average value, win rate, and cycle length.
Focus on key metrics: improving these metrics will have the biggest impact on revenue.
Increase the number and value of opportunities: prospecting, refining messages, and extending conversations can help generate more opportunities.

Improve win rates: focus on effective demos, presentations, and negotiations.
Reduce cycle length: condense the sales process and create urgency to close deals faster.
Small incremental improvements can lead to significant increases in revenue.



The conversation discusses four incremental improvements that can increase sales revenue by 20-40%. The improvements include pipeline generation, knowing conversion rates, effective discovery, and negotiation skills.

The speaker also mentions a one-day Elite Account Executive Accelerator event in Dublin. The key takeaways are: know your numbers, focus on key metrics, increase the number and value of opportunities, improve win rates, and reduce cycle length. The speaker emphasizes the cumulative impact of small improvements on overall revenue.